
Macmillan Coffee Morning

September 17th, 2018

Coffee Morning
28th September
11.30 am – 1.00pm
At the coffee shop
Christopher Grange
Have a cuppa and a cake all donations received with thanks!

Activities – August 2018

September 17th, 2018

This month started with a tombola on the first Sunday of the month which went really well, the monies going to entertainment. We had one of the residents’ firm favourites ‘Mood Swing’ perform for us with families and friends invited.

Enjoying Mood Swing’s performance

We also had a country band ‘Molases’ perform, a member of the band is Peter from Rhonas sister, another enjoyable day for our residents with drinks and snacks for everyone.






Apart from Dill, Gerard and Joan celebrating their birthdays with a party, we had Violet from Marillac celebrating her 100th Birthday! 

Violet’s 100th Birthday!









Our trips out this month have been to pub lunches and shopping trips.

Our Social yet again is going well with fish and chips being a firm favourite.

Ready for fish and chips.


Sisters from our community are now coming along and residents are enjoying their company, especially at the Quiz.
All our everyday activities are still going well with Book Club creating a lot of debate on the Princess Diana book also armchair exercise, bingo, crosswords and Quizzes being popular.

Activities – July 2018

August 22nd, 2018

 This month we started by celebrating 4th of July with a garden day with lemonade floats, pancakes, apple pies and donoughts with our own singalong.

We also had entertainment this month with songs from different musicals.

Alder Hey invited Mary from Vincent house to celebrate 70 years of the NHS, which Mary appeared to enjoy, Mary was made guest of honour, to take part in cutting 70th anniversary cake and was presented with a lovely bouquet.

Our trips out this month have been to parks with a packed lunch, shopping trips and pub lunches whilst we are still enjoying the nice weather!

We also celebrated 50 years of sister Collette being in her order with afternoon on Greenside with her friends and Sisters from here.

We also had a table top sale this month which went very well with bargains galore!

Our Social this month went well and this month we had special guests – our Community of Sisters attended and our Residents were delighted over this.

Our everyday activities are still up and running and are all going well.