If you are considering using the services of Christopher Grange Visual Centre, but still have many questions, you can see the FAQ below to find some answers. We’ll also be happy to provide further information by phone or e-mail.

Do I have to be registered as sight impaired to attend the Visual Rehabilitation Centre?

No, you don’t have to be registered to be able to use our services. You will, however, be required to get a Visual Impairment Certificate if you want to be funded by your local authority.

I would like to attend the centre, but I’m not from Merseyside area. Is it a problem?

No, it isn’t. Even though service users are usually referred from within Merseyside area, there is a number of service users attending the Visual Rehabilitation Centre from outside this area as well.

Who pays for the services? Do I have to self-fund?

Most service users are funded by their local authority after receiving an appropriate assessment. Some individuals, however, can meet their own costs.

I only need to learn kitchen skills/IT/Braille. Do I have to go through training in other areas as well?

No, you don’t. A rehabilitation plan is designed individually with each service user based on their needs and wishes. You might find out, while attending the centre, that you actually want to learn other things as well. In such a case the rehabilitation plan can be reviewed and expanded, but the decision will always be yours.

I would like to be able to use a computer, but I’ve never done it before and I’m afraid I’m too old to learn it now.

We’ve had service users of all different ages, the youngest being 18 and the oldest 99 years old. Our IT specialists often work with people who have no previous knowledge in the area. And believe us, one is never too old to learn new things, there are people over 90 learning IT at the centre and we all admire the progress they are making.

I feel the Visual Rehabilitation Centre is the right place for me, but I have no way of getting there. Since my sight deteriorated, I’m afraid of using the public transport and I have no one to drive me there.

No need to worry. If you live in Liverpool, transport will be arranged. After carrying out a risk assessment, you will be picked up in the morning and returned later in the day.

For further information, please feel free to contact our centre on 0151-220-2525.

Thanking you in anticipation.