News from the residents
June 27th, 2012Well Done Marla!
Well done to Marla who recently received a certificate and badge in recognition of a highly commended entry in the Arts and Minds competition.
Worlds biggest riding lesson
It was rosettes all round at Beechley Stables when our horse riders took part in the worlds biggest riding lesson.
Awesome Walls Climbing
Two of our pupils are climbing their way to success after becoming the first visually impaired pupils to compete for a place on the GB Climbing Team.
Reanne and Samantha have earned a place on the GB climbing team after coming first and second in the competition. They will be travelling with the GB team competing in the World Championships being held inParisin September.
Well done to Marla, Robert and Caleb on their hard work and personal achievements. We all have high hopes for our climbers and support them on their conquest.
Congratulations James
James really enjoys taking part in the Wednesday evening footballing coaching sessions at St Margarets High School,Liverpool.
His skills and effort have impressed the coaches so much that he was invited to travel to St Georges Hall with mum to receive a trophy for all round effort in football training sessions.
Remembrance Concert
Once again the musical talents of our students were recognised by our partnership schools. Jamie participated in a remembrance concert with the St Edwards College Choir.
As part of her Transition Programme Roisin had a visit to Henshaws College in Harrogate and is looking forward to her overnight stay in September
School Leavers
Good luck to Jordanand Chantal who are leaving school this week after many years with us. They are inviting some friends to attend an evening out at Damien’s in Speke on Wednesday 27th for tea and to say their goodbyes. They will be missed by all the whole school community.
Last but not least, Pat Fowler a valuable member of the residential team will be retiring in July after 12 years service. The very best of wishes Pat.
3C Visit to an air raid shelter (Report from Nicole Form 3C)
June 27th, 2012Today Form 3C went out to Stockport. We have been studying the Second World War in our History lessons. We went to an Air Raid Shelter and our guide for the visit was called Elaine. We discovered that 100 people had to fit in a narrow tunnel all at once (this would not be very comfortable.)
We tried gas masks on, they felt funny and smelt of rubber, when we spoke with them on our voices sounded weird. We also got to hold an incendiary bomb (not a live one, but still real) it was shaped a little bit like a rocket. We tried on the metal hats that the wardens would have worn; they were too big and wobbled on our heads.
We heard what the rattle sounded like that the warden would have used, it was very loud.
What 3C thought of the visit.
“It was a very different and interesting experience for us to take part in.” Caleb.
“The day was awesome.”Jordan
“I learnt a lot of things i didn’t know before, and I really enjoyed it.” Marla
“The day was brill and I enjoyed being able to feel different objects to do with the war. We won’t mention the toilets, yuck!” Nicole.
Annual Award Ceremony
June 22nd, 2012
A reminder to all parents that Friday 29th June 2012 is Prize Giving.
Coffee will be available from 10.30am and the ceremony starts at 11.00am.
The Right Reverend Thomas Williams, Auxiliary Bishop of Liverpool, will be our guest of honour.
This invitation is open to all; however please be aware that it does not necessarily mean that your child will be receiving a prize or award.