
63rd Annual taxi Drivers Outing

July 17th, 2012

The 63rd annual Taxi Drivers Outing took the pupils of St Vincent’s on a much-loved and very special day-out to New Brighton.  A police escort took the convoy of taxis, all decorated in balloons and ribbons, across the city and through the tunnel. The blasting of horns and sirens added to the enjoyment.  Passers-by enjoyed the spectacle too, and waved to show their support.  The pupils and staff were then treated to lunch and ice-cream, followed by an afternoon at the fair, opened exclusively to the pupils.  Before the convoy set off for home, the event came to a close with a ‘present-giving’ for each of the pupils, and this marked the end to another very kind, and very happy day.  Even the sun was shining.   The thanks to the taxi drivers for their generosity and compassion, by all at St Vincent’s, cannot be expressed enough…we hope you know how much it means to us.