Santander save the day….
September 19th, 2013
During the school holidays we were lucky enough to have gained the support from Santander’s community team who very kindly offered to come and help us to give the youth club a new lease of life. This was at the request of children who use the youth club on a daily basis, in between lessons and at the end of the day when school ends and their residential time kicks in. With this in mind we decided to make the youth club a fun coloured warm feeling environment with lots of appeal through the choice of colours and lights.
This wasn’t easy as we only had a budget of £250 in donation from Santander, but with the determination and
skills of the Santander staff they very kindly managed to fundraise to bring in a total sum of £600 bringing the total to £850.
This was brilliant news for the project as it meant we could pick lots of different colours, purchase some new lights and bean bags which the children wanted to use in the mezzanine area as a chill out zone. We also managed to purchase some new cushions, throws, book shelves and blinds with the money raised which as you can see has made a real difference to school life.
The youth club, kitchen and quiet room have all been given a makeover and I think I am speaking on behalf of the whole school when I say it has made such a difference and we are eternally grateful. We do appreciate that the walls will at some point need to have a damp course and there will need to be a replacement kitchen but until we have that sort of support this is going to transform the feel of the spaces and hopefully make it a more pleasant place to be.
Thank you to all that gave their time on this project, you were great!!!