
IEP Targets

September 28th, 2011

Pupils will bring home letters on friday regarding the update of Individual Education Plans for all pupils in the school.

The IEP targets reflect general key skills, which will be of use across the whole curriculum. The targets are not for specific subjects. Subject targets are set throughout the year and are noted in this term’s Annual Review reports. Pupils have helped to devise their own targets with Form teachers, LSAs and, in some cases, Care Staff.

Parental suggestions are welcome. Please return the reply slip if you want to make any comments or suggestions.

We set 3 targets per term.

Targets may be drawn from the four following broad areas:

  • Literacy
  •  Numeracy
  • Communication skills
  • Behavior

These are nationally agreed criteria for IEPs.

However, at St Vincent’s we have also devised specific targets for

  •  Visual Impairment.

Copies of IEPs are sent home, as it is important that we work together on achieving these goals. Targets are assessed at the end of the IEP term.

If you wish to suggest a target for your child, please return the slip to the form teacher by Monday 3rd October 2011. Furthermore, if you have any queries about this letter, or about your child’s IEP, please contact: Mrs J Armstrong at the school.