
Activities – July 2019

August 1st, 2019

This month, we started off by having a farewell party to Sr Fran, who had been with us over 30 years. A party was held for residents to say their goodbyes to Sr Fran and to wish her well in the future.

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Our residents also had a lovely visit from St Vincent’s nursery, during which the young toddlers interacted with our residents who all appeared to enjoy it. This will now be ongoing with the nursery visiting us again in the future.

Our everyday activities are still up and running. This month, we added ‘Name that Tune’, Reminiscence, Poetry and an array of games. Weather permitting, we still have our morning walks on Rhona, with their one-to-ones still going well too.

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We also have our Anglican service once a month for our residents who want to attend.

Our social night with fish and chips still continues. Those residents who came along appeared to enjoy their evening, and our resident Roy even played some tunes on his mouth organ!

Activities – June 2019

July 3rd, 2019

Our everyday activities are all still ongoing this month – favourites coming up appear to be Armchair Exercise with the parachute, Balloon Exercise, Knitting Club, Games of Cards, Connect Four and Snakes and Ladders.

We are now on a new book, ‘The Button Box’, which appears to be doing well.

One-to-ones are still in place which the residents enjoy, alongside Reminiscence on Rhona House.

We are also continuing our morning walks, (weather permitting!) on Rhona.

Our trips out for lunch have been with Andrew House to Maggie May’s and The Pub in the Park with the residents of Vincent House.

We have also had Dorothy and Theresa playing the piano for some of our residents to enjoy.

Our social this month went well with the residents favourite – fish and chips!