
Spring RE Newsletter 2012

January 27th, 2012

Our Spring term started earlier than normal this year on January 4th, which allowed us to celebrate the Epiphany in school on January 6th and properly end the season of Christmas. Some of our year 11 pupils presented a thoughtful assembly on the possible meaning and significance of the Wise Men’s gifts. Well done to them!

Looking ahead, our term will end the week before Holy Week commences on the Christian Calendar. This is the most important week of the year for Christians and in school we will be teaching the children about the significance of this week in their RE lessons and in collective worship.

Some Religious Festival Dates and Special Days this term:

January 18th – Start of week of prayer for Christian Unity

January 27th – Holocaust Memorial Day

February 2nd – Candlemas

February 14th – St. Valentine’s Day

February 21st – Shrove Tuesday

February 22nd – Ash Wednesday

March 1st – St. David’s Day

March 16th – Mother’s Day

March 17th – St. Patrick’s Day

March 25th – The Annunciation

April 1st – Palm Sunday

We will be remembering and celebrating all of these days in school either through Collective Worship, the curriculum or through special liturgies.


RE in the Primary Department

The following topics will be covered:

  • Celebrations
  • Thanksgiving
  • Self-giving


Individual Education Plans

January 27th, 2012

Once again, we are updating Individual Education Plans for all pupils. The IEP targets reflect general key skills, which will be of use across the whole curriculum.

The targets are not for specific subjects. Subject targets are set throughout the year and are noted in this term’s Annual Review reports.

Pupils have helped to devise their own targets with Form teachers, LSAs and, in some cases, Care Staff.

We set 3 targets per term.

Targets may be drawn from the four following broad areas:

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Communication skills
  • Behaviour

These are nationally agreed criteria for IEPs. However, at St Vincent’s we have also devised specific targets for Visual Impairment. Copies of IEPs will be sent home with pupils, as it is important that we work together on achieving these goals. Targets are assessed at the end of the IEP term.

If you wish to suggest a target for your child, please return the slip enclosed to the form teacher by Monday 6th February 2012.

If you have any queries please contact: Mrs J Armstrong.

St Vincent’s set for a Musical March.

January 19th, 2012

In March, the students completing the BTEC in Music will have the privilege of travelling to the new home of the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra at MediaCity in Manchester. The pupils will be able to observe the professional players rehearsing for a concert and be able to ask them questions.  Two weeks later, all Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 pupils will travel to the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall to watch the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra perform their annual School’s concert. The title of which this year is “Trading Places”, an exploration of Liverpool’s maritime trade and the Olympics.