
Autumn Term 2012 RE Newsletter

September 12th, 2012

We are now all settled back into school and the children have made a good start to their work in RE. We feel that it is helpful for you to be aware of the areas your child will be studying in their RE lessons and this is detailed below.

RE in the Primary Department

Lessons will be taught by Mrs. J. Gallagher and Mrs P. Gallagher.

The following topics will be covered:

Homes – the children will consider their homes and families and research the Holy Family using bible extracts.

Promises – the children will explore the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation and share experiences.

Visitors – this topic will be covered in the context of Advent and Christmas and include our whole-school Advent and Christmas celebrations.

 Key Stage 3 RE

These lessons will be delivered by Mr. S. Irvine and Mrs P. Gallagher.

At Key Stage 3 we continue to follow the Liverpool Archdiocesan Programme called ‘Icons’.

In the Autumn term the following topics will be covered:

In a time and place – the importance of a person’s background and researching the life of Jesus.

Making history – the importance of history and the history of the church in our country.

A sense of vocation – What a vocation is.

A lifetimes work – how people share their gifts and the sacrament of confirmation

Back to the future – the importance of time and the Church’s season of Advent.

 Key Stage 4 RE

All lessons delivered by Mrs P. Gallagher.

At Key Stage 4 pupils follow either the Edexcel GCSE or the Edexcel Entry Level course in Catholic Christianity, with reference to all Christian churches.

In the Autumn term the following topics will be covered:

Believing in God – reasons why some people believe in God and others don’t; how Catholics and other Christians respond to the reasons for not believing; the media and belief in God.

Marriage and the family – sex and marriage; divorce; family life; homosexuality; contraception; the media and marriage and family life

Key Stage 5 RE

All lessons delivered by Mrs P. Gallagher.

All pupils at Key Stage 5 have an RE lesson a week in General Religious studies. This will be accredited by Unit Award or Entry Level.

A list of our Autumn term class assemblies will be sent home with pupils. These take place on a Friday at 12.40 and are delivered by individual classes. You are invited to attend any assemblies that your child’s class is presenting.

Finally, if you have any queries about Religious Education, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs P Gallagher at the school.