
Message from the Principal

July 19th, 2012

As we come to the end of another, very successful year in the life of St Vincent’s, I would like to thank all of our families and carers, for the support that you give in helping us meet the needs of our pupils.  Those of you who have read our recent inspection report will note the comments of our inspectors.  When the inspectors were giving verbal feedback to the Senior Leadership Team and Governors, at the end of the inspection, they could scarcely contain their pleasure, with the comments that you had written, in your responses to them directly and those found on Parentview.  They reported that this is the only school they have inspected, were they were able to use Parentview, as there was a statistically significant number of respondents.  Thank you for the commitment you have shown by completing the online data. The report was most positive, to the point whereby one of the governors asked me had I written it!  The answer to that is ‘No’.  It is more a measure of the quality of the care and education service that we provide. The inspection team were very experienced, qualified and closely scrutinised all that we do before they arrived at this glowing conclusion.

This school year ends on a very good platform to begin the next year when work will continue on how we can get even better!

I hope that you all have a peaceful, relaxing summer and that we get some good weather.


S Roberts